Saturday, August 23, 2008

Creative Santa Fe

We know that Santa Fe is renowned internationally for its "arts and culture" -- OK, also for its history, architecture, culinary scene, healthy environment, quality of life, quality of light, multiculturalism and more -- but I am continually amazed by the remarkable diversity of creative interests among my fellow Santa Feans. 

On any given day of the year, the calendars of local newspapers, websites and radio stations are filled with offerings for events, classes, seminars, workshops and happenings related to music, fine arts, literature, cinema, theater, dance, sports and recreation, crafts, support groups of all sorts, spiritual practices of all kinds, community issues and opportunities to volunteer at one of nearly 5,000 non-profit organizations in northern New Mexico. If Santa Fe can pride itself on a singular thing, it could well be its vehement commitment to self-growth through creative expression.

In 2004, the city hired a Texas-based firm to assess Santa Fe's strengths, and weaknesses. After many interviews with the citizenry and its leaders, town hall-style public meetings and months of deliberation, the report (Angelou Economics Strategic Plan) was issued to a full-house at the Lensic Theater one weekday morning: Santa Fe should position itself as a design center, a center of creativity. Essentially, the compilers of the report encouraged Santa Feans to see the city and themselves for what it and they already were, or had aspired to be for at least the past few decades: incredibly unique, conscious, amazing -- the City Different!*

Confidence is a mighty power, and being inspired by the obvious findings of this formal report gave the participating citizenry a rally point: celebrate our creativity! Capitalize upon it. And why not? What could be more invigorating, more civilized, more fun, than expressing our creativity in all its marvelous forms! To this end, a volunteer group (yes, another non-profit organization) was formed -- Creative Santa Fe

Its goal: to encourage, support and promote the growth of the creative community that makes Santa Fe the first UNESCO-designated Creative City in the US. The Creative Santa Fe website gives a sense of the impressive and vast diversity of the "creative economy" that drives and supports Santa Fe. Check it out.

* The Report also identified the need to address such other real issues as  affordable housing, mass transit, bike lanes, improved pedestrian areas downtown, historic preservation, etc.


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