Your clothing will need to be modified (from previous entry) according to season. For example, if warmer weather, I suggest sandals and bathing suit (if appropriate) instead of turtle neck, and jacket instead of overcoat. If in the thick of winter, I might suggest an additional polar fleece, gloves and a hat.
Unlike dressing from home, where you may not want to be seen in the same outfit all the time, no one will know how many days you’ve worn essentially the same outfit. As long as it’s clean (and most everything I listed can be washed in the bathroom sink and dried overnight), you’ll feel good, and grateful you’re not schlepping extra stuff.
The lighter you can travel, the easier it is to get around and enjoy the trip. As travel guru Peter Greenwald says, “when it comes to the airlines, there are only two types of luggage: carry-on and lost.”
Along the way you may buy a scarf at a local market, a piece of jewelry from a craftsman, a sweater because it’s cold, etc. Try to keep your purchases for self and others light and small. By having the foldable tote bag, you can always bring back souvenirs or extras in that and carry it on along with stuffing your messenger bag; then ship through your main carry-on wheeled luggage (expanded the 2-inches, if that’s an option).
You can also mail back any purchases, but I personally avoid buying stuff overseas because now, with the dollar being so valueless, you can buy almost any comparable thing in the states for less.
Digital photos can be your most precious gifts and memories. Get a large memory card so you don’t have to worry about downloading at a cybercafé to make room on the card.
Do not bring a laptop (unless absolutely necessary) as cybercafés are almost everywhere and easy to use for checking email and staying in touch.
Your US cell phone will NOT work overseas unless it is tri-band or quad-band and specifically “unlocked” for a SIMMS card, which you can buy at local news stands and tobacconists. As far as I know, T-Mobile and AT&T are the only services with both U.S. service with international capacity. ADD an international package to your phone service BEFORE you go and be sure to turn off wireless access or you'll be charged a fortune in roaming downloads.
There are services online by which you can rent or buy an international phone, shipped to your home, and take it with you overseas. Most have toll-free numbers your family and friends can use to call you from the U.S., and plans for your charges to call the states and elsewhere. You will be given an international phone number. I found this method confusing to use and the mobile service sketchy. I would love to hear about other solutions!
Keep you passport, credit cards and cash in a safe place, and always know exactly where they are. I used to use a money belt and still, sometimes, use an around-the-neck cache, but depending on the place (Western Europe), I now just use my purse, with my wallet, journal and digital camera inside, and carry it diagonally across my chest, always zipped up. I try to leave my passport in a hotel safe or well hidden in a vacation rental.
My Eagle Creek purse comes with a side-net for carrying a water bottle, which I find indispensible.
Avoid fanny packs as they scream “tourist”.
Be aware of your surroundings. Be neither naive or paranoid. Stay organized, travel light and enjoy it all!